lauantai 3. maaliskuuta 2012

tutu's saying hello!
i hope you've had a nice weekend now.

i'm kind of sad 'cause i've been such a bad blogger for a while
i've just been sick and that has been making me tired.
so, now that i feel better i try my best to be a better blogger!

i'm pretty sure i just ate bunny's poop.
and yes, it was an accident.

7 kommenttia:

  1. awww your pets are so cute!! You seem to have so many! How many/what kind do you have? I'm so jealous-- we're not allowed to keep pets in our apartment, but I've wanted a dog my whole life. :)Great blog btw!

    1. i have two lovely cats - kahvi and alaska. kahvi was our first baby, then came alska. this tiny tiny black cat who's mamas real love. as usual, she's sleeping right next to me at the moment. (kahvi likes daddy more :--|)

      then we have our baby bunnies, tutu and coco. :)
      temtem was so kind and got me more babies 'cause i felt that two cats wasn't enough.

      oh well, they sure take a lot of my time but i could use my time worse i think! ahahah, and thank you for your lovely comment. it made me happy.

  2. How adorable are your rabbit and kitty!

  3. I love your blog, you so cute.
    I wish you lot of good things ^^
