maanantai 7. toukokuuta 2012

getting better doesn't happen by waiting.
so i made a decision to be happy again
that's at least something.
and although i now feel like i have no one to talk about my worries
i can go through them inside my head
and notice that there's nothing to worry about.
maybe i should just focus on the good things
instead of the things that make me miserable.
that may sound like i'm just avoiding my problems
and maybe i am
but right now i don't really give a pooooop!
so now it's time to drink my morning coffee
and after that i'm going to go to the park and sit there
and feel like the happiest girl
'cause i have the whole life to wait for
and any sorrow can't take that away from me.

so go wee yourself, depression and self-pity.
mimosa wants to have some fun!

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